Amadeus Ticketing Guidelines


    Airline Time Limit/Ticket Conditions

1.Verify Airlines time limit (including all interline carriers’ time limit) received in PNR before ticket issuance.
Airlines may cancel the bookings when tickets issued few seconds before or after the time mentioned in the SSR / OPC/ OPW message for the time limit.

2.Tickets must be issued as per the Fare Rules.
For example, for Instant Purchase Fares, tickets must be issued immediately after the Airline
Record Locator Return through RL or SSR message.

3.When the ticket is issued close to time limit expiry, ensure that ticket number is transmitted to the airline by performing Direct Access PNR Display (1XXRT) or on their website.

4. Even the genuine Ticket Number in FHE (before reissuance) does not suffice to consider the booking as ticketed.
In the same context, PNRs with a cancelled/ refunded E-Ticket (though appear in FA element as EV or ER) is still considered un-ticketed.

5. Some airlines send new Time Limit on PNRs after original ticket is voided or refunded. Hence, ensure to verify the same before attempting fresh issuance.

6. Incase Time Limit is received again after ticket issuance, do not ignore and check PNR to confirm Ticket Numbers are in synch with Airline PNR.

Note: System does not make duplicate ticket check when TTP is repeated within 5 seconds. Therefore, please wait for at least 5 seconds before proceeding with TTP again for the same segments.

Fare Pricing

Multiple fare loads are received in a day from airlines that may cause change in the fare/rules of the stored fare. Hence, Pricing and Ticketing must be performed at the same time.

Insert the Tour Code provided by Airline as it is. Do not add space in the Tour Code given by Airlines, as it may be rejected while processing the special incentive. 

For Net Remit tickets, format for Tour Code and Form of Payment to be followed: FTNRTOURCODE and FPNR+CASH/TOTAL TST VALUE, respectively. Do not add Zero (0) or Base Fare, instead of Total TST Value, as this may cause error while processing refunds. 

In case of special fare/net fare tickets, ensure all required Tour/Deal Codes are entered into the PNR as per airline’s intent prior to TTP.  When FOP is Credit Card, FP Element should be added before pricing. System picks the Credit Card or Airline Ticket Fees automatically, where-ever applicable. 

Avoid adding any special characters /symbols like (&, %, #, *, $) in the FE, FOP Elements or in Fare Calculation in TST. 

TST must be saved in the Ticketing Office id. 

While reissuing tickets, always associate the correct Original doc number in the FO entry with PAX association. You may perform TWD/Lx (where x is the line number of FA or FHE to get the correct FO element.

After making modification to the flight segment, please ensure to Revalidate or Reissue the Ticket, as per the airline’s requirement/policies. Refer, HEETTxx to see whether an airline supports Revalidation. 

Before performing Revalidation/Re-Issuance on a modified PNR, ensure that changes have reached the airline system by RLH (Record Locator History should get updated with the same Date/Time Stamp as of Segment Modification). 

For EPAY or Ticket-less access carriers, refer GGAIRxx page for the accepted mode of payment/ticketing.

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