
IATA Global Indicators


A two-letter indicator used in fare construction to indicate the basic routing that the fare applies to. There are 9 global indicators used in the Airlines Industry.

AP(Atlantic and Pacific Route)

between Area 2 and Area 3 via the Atlantic and the Pacific

AT(Atlantic Route)

between Area 1 and Area 2/ Area 3 via the Atlantic (other than SA)

EH(Eastern Hemisphere)

-between Area 2 and Area 3 via Eastern Hemisphere (other than TS/RU/FE)
-within Area 2 or within Area 3


between Russia (in Europe)/Ukraine and Area 3 with nonstop service between Russia (in Europe)/Ukraine and Area 3 other than Japan, Korea (Dem. People’s Rep. of), Korea (Rep. of)

PA(Pacific Route)

between Area 3 and Area 1 via Pacific (other than between SWP and South America via North America and North/ Central Pacific)
-not applicable for routings on non-stop services between Canada/USA and South Asian Subcontinent
-between TC1 and TC2 (via the Pacific and TC3) PN between South America and South West Pacific via North America but not via Area 3 except SWP


between Russia (in Europe) and Area 3 with nonstop service between Russia (in Europe) and Japan, Korea (Dem. People’s Rep. of), Korea (Rep. of); not via another country (Ies) in Europe


between Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay and South East Asia, South Asian Subcontinent, Korea (Dem. People’s Rep. of), Korea (Rep. of) via the Atlantic only via point(s) in South East Asia, South Asian Subcontinent, Korea (Dem. People’s Rep of), Korea (Rep. of), South Atlantic Area, Central Africa, Southern Africa, Indian Ocean Islands or via direct transatlantic services

TS(Trans Siberian Route)

between Area 2 and Area 3 (Trans Siberian route) with a sector having nonstop service between Europe and Japan, Korea (Dem. People’s Rep. of), Korea (Rep. of) (other than RU/FE)

WH (Western Hemisphere)

within Area 1 (Western Hemisphere)

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