Amadeus Advanced Commands || The Complete Amadeus Manual

Create New IDJCDEnter into User screen
JGA3446SG/USN-SULAV GAUROcreate new uid JGA, Four digit+ initial of First Name & Last Name, - , Full Name
VOIDTRDC/TK-1234567890Void ticket with document Number:
TRDC/LX (Where X is the FA/FHE line number in PNR)Void ticket with FA/FHE line number from PNR:
Getting Started
Sign-in and Sign-outJI6604SS/GS Signs in to the first available work area
JB Redisplays the sign-in message
JIA0394TY/GSSigns in to a specific work area
JIB/C0394TY/GS Signs in to multiple work areas
JI*0394TY/GS Signs in to all work areas
JXCSigns in to the next available work area when you are already
JD Displays the work area status table
JS Temporarily deactivates the work areas
JMB Moves between work areas
JMGH Moves between work areas using the last-two characters of
JI6434WG/SU.NCE1A0900 Signs in to an extended office identification
JGD Displays your agent preference defaults
JGU/LNG-FR/TCM-12/QCT-22 Updates your agent sign preferences
JO Signs out of the current work area
JOC Signs out of a specific work area
JOC/D Signs out of multiple work areas
JO* Signs out of all work areas
JUR1234AB/AMADEUS1 Signs out from another terminal
JUR6876ZY/AMADEUS1/T-0908C4CD Signs out of a specific terminal
JUM/O-NCE1A0900/3199JP Signs in remotely to another office
JUO Signs out of a remote office
JI6434WG/SU.NCE1A0965 Makes an extended sign-in
Agent PreferencesJGD Displays your agent preferences
JGU/LNG-FR Updates one preference
JGU/LNG-FR/TST-P Updates several preferences
Practice Training JJ6698HY/SU Signs in to Practice Training
JO Signs out of Practice Training
Local Security JI0000LS/SU Signs in using the sign with temporary LSA rights
JGU/LSA-Y Updates the sign with permanent LSA rights
JGU1234AB/LSA-Y Assigns the LSA rights to the administrator
J-AMADEUS1/AMADEUS5 Updates a password
JGA1234AB/DUTA-SU/QCT-21 Creates an agent sign
JGC1234AB-9876ZY Copies an agent profile for a different sign
JGC1234AB-1357AC/2468BD Copies an agent profile for multiple signs
JGU1234AB./LNG-FR Updates an agent sign
JGUALL/TCM-24 Updates all the agents signs
JGR1234AB/LNG Resets a specific preference of an agent sign back to the office default value
JGRALL/QCT Resets an agent preference back to the office default value for all the agents in the office
JGR1234AB/ALLResets all the attributes for a specific sign back to the office default value
JGRALL/ALL Resets all the attributes back to the office default value for all the agents in the office
JGR1234AB/PWD Resets the password attribute back to its original value
JGX9876ZY Deletes an agent sign
JGD1234AB Displays a security profile for a specific agent sign
JGD Displays a security profile for the agent that is signed in to the terminal
JGD/R Displays a security profile for a specific set of attributes
JCD Displays the sign bank
JCD/S Displays the sign bank by section
JTD Displays the office default security table
JTU/RMO-Y/R/LNG-SP/B Updates specific office default attribute values
JTR/RMO/LNGResets specific office attribute default values
JTR/ALLResets all the office attribute default values
JGH6434WGDisplays sign history
JGH6434WG.NCE1A0900Displays sign history for a specific office identification
JGH6434/SDisplays sign history for a specific section
JGH6434-10JAN02Displays sign history for a specific date
JGH6434/3-10JAN02Displays sign history for a specific section and date
Amadeus Information
Amadeus Information System (AIS)GGAISAccesses the AIS subjects
GGARequests an alphabetical list of categories
GGAIRRequests the airline information AIS page
GGAIRAFRequests information for a specific airline
GGAIRAFBAGSRequests information for a specific airline on a specific subject
GPBAGGo page entry for a specific subject
GGAIRAFBAGS.30Requests specific page by screen number
MS369Moves the screen down to a specific page
GP;FRChanges a page to a different language
GGHTLRequests hotel information
GGHTLALLRequests a description of hotel access types
MS23Requests the alphabetical list for chain codes
GGHTLSIRequests hotel information for a specific hotel chain
GGCARRequests car rental information
GGCARARequests the car rental companies access type
GGCARZERequests car rental information for a specific car rental company
GGCOU-or- GGCOUNTRYRequests the country information index
GGCOUDRequests an alphabetical list of countries that have information stored in AIS
GGCOUFRRequests specific country information
GGAPT-or- GGAIRPORTRequests the airport information index
GGAPTORDRequests airport information for a specific airport
GGAPTPARRequests a list of airports serving a specific city
GGWEATYORequests weather information for a specific city
1TVO//By-pass entry to Travelfile
GGCODERequests information on codes
GGCODEWRequests information on codes beginning with a specific letter of the alphabet
GGNEWSRequests product news information
GG1ANEWSRequests Amadeus product information
GNRequests the AIS summary update panel for the current date
GN29Requests the AIS summary update panel for the current date and a specific number of days in the past
GN15JULRequests the AIS summary update panel for a specific date
GN15OCT-18OCTRequests the AIS summary update panel for a range of dates
GGAIRSKNEWSRequests the AIS news pages for a specific airline
GSL/INFANT/Searches for specific text contained in an AIS page
Online HelpHERequests the introduction to the online help system
HEPNRRequests online help for a specific subject
GPPHOGoes to a page for a specific subject
MS85Moves the screen down to a specific page
HETKRequests online help for a specific transaction code
HEARequests an alphabetical index for a specific letter
HESTEPSRequests the online help pages that outline steps for different procedures
HE/Requests online help following an error message
Printing AIS or Online Help PagesGLPrints an AIS or online help page
GL/45Prints a specific number of lines for an AIS or online help page
GL5Prints a specific line of an AIS or online help page
GL5-15Prints a range of lines of an AIS or online help page
Office Briefing PageGDDisplays an office briefing page
GD.21Displays a specific line number in an office briefing page
GMDPlaces an office briefing page in update mode
GMD.22Places an office briefing page in update mode at a specific screen line
I3-or- A3Inserts a specific number of lines in a office briefing page
D7Deletes a specific number of lines in an office briefing page
GSL/TEXT/Searches for specific text in an office briefing page
GD.21Displays specific line information from an
Conversion Functions DANPARISEncodes a city or airport name
DANSIN*Encodes a city or airport name beginning with the first three specified letters
DANLONDON/GBEncodes a city or airport name in a specific country
DANPARIS/USTXEncodes a city or airport name in a specific country and state
DANA/FREncodes all city or airport names starting with a specific alphabetical letter for a specific country
DANFRANKFURT/REncodes a city or airport name for railway stations only
DANPARIS/SEncodes a city or airport name for associated locations
DANBOSTON/NEncodes a city name for nearest airports
DAN4Selects a specific line from a list
DAN0Goes back to the original list
DACSFODecodes a city or airport code
DACMUC/ALLDecodes city or airport code for all off-line associated locations
DNSFLORIDADecodes a state or province
DNSUSCAEncodes a state or province
DNSMON**Decodes a state or province name using only the first three characters
DNSAURequests a list of all states and provinces for a specific country
DNSDDisplays a list of all states beginning with a specific letter
DCJAPANDisplays the ISO code for a specific country
DCJPDisplays the country from an ISO country code
DNAIBERIADisplays the two-character code for an airline name
DNACPDisplays the airline name from an airline code
DNA005Displays an airline name from the airline ticket code
DNAONEWORLDDisplays the airline alliance name
DNEBOEINGDisplays the three-letter code for an aircraft type
DNEAB3Displays the aircraft type from a three-letter aircraft code
DNCNATIONALDisplays the two-letter car rental company code
DNCZIDisplays the car rental company name from a two-letter car rental company code
DNHSHERATONDisplays the two-letter hotel company code
DNHHLDisplays the hotel name from a two-letter hotel company code
DNHMARRIOTTDisplays all hotels affiliated with this master chain code
DNNIBGDisplays the company name from a hotel rate code
DNNIBM*Displays the hotel rate code associated to a company name
DNPAMTRAKEncodes a provider name
DNPPCLDecodes a provider code
Mathematical Calculations DF134.55;22.50Adds
DF5135/82-or- DG20/3Divides
DF10**2Exponential calculation
Time Calculations DDMADCalculates local time
DDMIA1500/MADCalculates time in a specific city when it is a certain time in another city
DDZZZ2134/SYDConverts UTC time to local time
DDTYO/ZZZCalculates the time difference between a specific city and UTC time
DDLON/LAXCalculates the time difference between two cities
DDNCE1800/SYD0400+2Calculates elapsed flying time Date Calculations
DDDisplays the system time, current day, and date
DD19JULDetermines the day of the week for a specific date
DD15MAR/-35Determines the date a number of days before a specific date
DD12APR/21Determines the date a number of days after a specific date
DD15MAR/-28/14Determines the date of a number of days before and after a specific date
DD3MAR/15APRDetermines the number of days between two dates in the current year
DD30NOV03/10FEB04Determines the number of days between two specific dates in different years
Metric Conversions DKMK95Converts miles to kilometers
DKKM120Converts kilometers to miles
DKPK100Converts pounds to kilograms
DKKP38Converts kilograms to pounds
Temperature Conversions DKCF30Converts Celsius to Fahrenheit
DKFCConverts Fahrenheit to Celsius
Decimal Conversions DKDH10Coverts decimal to hexadecimal
DKHD10Converts hexadecimal to decimal
Scrolling Commands MDMoves the screen down
MUMoves the screen up
MTMoves the screen to the top
MBMoves the screen to the bottom
MDNMoves the screen down a specific number of lines
MUNMoves the screen up a specific number of lines
MPRedisplays a cleared screen
MPGGMoves to the previous AIS screen displayed
MPHEMoves to the previous online help screen displayed
MSNMoves the screen to a specific line number
GPNGoes to a specific page number
Amadeus Air
Availability DisplaysANLHRMinimum availability request
AN19OCTCDGLHR0900Neutral availability request
AD15AUGFRACPH0800Availability display by departure time
AA20JULLHRMAD1600Availability display by arrival time
AE15MARCDGLON0800Availability display by elapsed flying time
RTSVCRetrieve flight service information from a PNR
AN19JUNLHRMAD0800/AIBAvailability display for a specific airline
AN19JUNLHRMAD0800/A-IBAvailability display except for a specific airline
AN19JUNLHRMAD0800/A+IBAvailability display for a specific operating airline
AN15MAYCDGNCE0800/B8Availability display for a specific number of seats
AN19DECROMGVA1600/CYAvailability display for a specific booking class
AN19DECROMGVA1600/DMAvailability display for a specific type of display order
AN18AUGDUBNYC0900/FNAvailability display for a specific flight type
AN19FEBLHRJFK1100/H-ONAvailability display expanding the screen width
AN19FEBLHRJFK1100/H-OFFAvailability display reducing the screen width
AN19FENLHRJFK1100/KYAvailability display for a specific cabin
AN19MAYZRHJFK0800/OAvailability display showing online connections
AN19MAYZRHJFK1600/T12Availability display in a specific time format
AN19FEBLHRJFK1100/V-ONAvailability display expanding the screen length
AN19FEBLHRJFK1100/V-OFFAvailability display reducing the screen length
AN13MAYNCEMIA1200/XCDGAvailability display for a specific connecting point
AN13MAYNCEMIA1200/X-CDGAvailability display except a specific connecting point
AN29SEPSVOATL0900/ZEUEuropean Union regulations availability display
AN29SEPORDLAC0900/ZUSU.S. Department of Transportation regulations availability display
AN/20JUNDUSMIA7-day search availability display
ANMO/CDGLHR By day of the week availability display
AN1/CDGLHR By day of the week availability display
AN17MAYATLHOU+Specific airport when the airport code is the same as the city code
AN*A15DECAMSBKKStar Alliance availability display
AN*O19NOVBRUMIAOneworld Alliance availability display
ANAF13MAYPARLONCarrier-preferred availability display
AN23SEPCDGLHR*25SEPDual-city pair availability display
AL01MAYKMGJKTLayover connection
DXCDGANCRequest connecting points for a specific city pair
Changing an Availability Display ACMADChanges origin airport or city code
AC//DUSChanges destination airport or city code
ACCDGLHRChanges origin and destination airport city code
AC20SEPChanges the date
AC5Changes to a specific number of days later
AC-3Changes to a specific number of days earlier
AC1600Changes the time
AC/AAFChanges to a specific airline display
AC/AYYChanges to a display of all airlines
AC/B8Changes the number of seats required
AC/CFChanges the booking class
AC/CClears the class-of-service preference
AC/KYChanges the cabin type
AC/OChanges to online connections
AC/NSJOChanges to a connection availability display
AC/XFRAChanges the connecting city
AC/FCChanges the flight type
ACLH/Changes from a neutral display to a carrier-
AC1AChanges from a carrier-preferred display to a neutral display
AC25MAR*Changes the information in the first display of a dual-city pair availability
AC*25MARChanges the information in the second display of a dual-city pair availability
AC19MAY*21JUNChanges the information in both displays of a dual-city pair availability
AC*Changes a single availability display to a dual-city pair availability
ACFChanges the first display of a dual-city pair availability to a single availability display
ACSChanges the second display of a dual-city pair availability to a single availability display
ACIB/Changes a carrier-preferred availability display to another carrier-preferred availability display for another airline
ACADLH/Changes the display type for a carrier-preferred availability display
ACRReturn availability display for the same date
ACR25JUNReturn availability display for a different date
ACR6Return availability display for a specific number of days from the date in the display
ACR23MAY1800Return availability display for a specific date and time
ACR/13OCTReturn availability display with the 7-day search option
ACFQ1Changes an availability display to a fare quote display for the airline on line 1
1AAAD14SEPLAXORD0900Direct Access availability display
1UA/Changes to another Direct Access display for a different airline
ACL2Changes a flight on a specific line to a Direct Access availability display
ACL1/2Changes a connecting flight availability display to a Direct Access availability display
ACL3/1-2Changes both flights of a connecting flight availability to a direct Access availability display
1YY/Returns to a Direct Access display from an Amadeus availability display
Schedule Displays SN19OCTCDGLHR0900Neutral schedule display
SD19JUNMADLIS0800Schedule display by departure time
SA9FEBROMBOM1600Schedule display by arrival time
SE11NOVZRHGVA1400Schedule display by elapsed flying time
SNAF13MAYPARLON0900Carrier-preferred schedule display
SN/08FEBANCNOU7-day search schedule display
SN23SEPCDGLHR*25SEPRound-trip schedule display
SN23SEPMADLIS*BCMCDGDual-city pair schedule display
Timetable Displays TN19OCTCDGLHR0900Neutral timetable display
TD19JUNMADLIS0800Timetable display by departure time
TA9FEBROMBOM1600Timetable display by arrival time
TE11NOVZRHGVA1400Timetable display by elapsed time
Flight Information DOLH147Flight information for the current date
DOLH127/11APRFlight information for a specific flight and date
DOSK0930/D/10JULFlight information for an approximate time of departure
DOSK0930/A/10JULFlight information for an approximate time of arrival
DO1Flight information for a specific segment in the PNR, or from an availability or schedule display
DO1,4Flight information for multiple segments in a PNR
DO1-4Flight information for a range of segments
DO22Flight information from a Direct Access availability display
DO1/2Flight information for the second flight on a connecting availability or schedule display
1AADOAA133Direct Access flight information display
Minimum Connecting Time DMNCEMinimum connecting time at a specific airport
DMNCE/15DECMinimum connecting time at a specific airport for a specific date
DMLONMinimum connecting time at a multi-airport city
DMLGW-LHRMinimum connecting time between two
DMCDG2AMinimum connecting time at a specific arrival terminal
DMCDG-2BMinimum connecting time at a specific departure terminal
DMORYW-CDG2BMinimum connecting time at specific terminals between two airports
DMBA/LHRMinimum connecting time for a specific inbound airline
DMAF/CDG/AFMinimum connecting time for online connections at a specific airport
DMAF/CDG/LHMinimum connecting time for interline connections at a specific airport
DMAF/CDG2A-2B/ITMinimum connecting time for interline connections between different terminals at the same airport
DMAF/CDG2A-PRYW/ITMinimum connecting time between different terminals at different airports
DMAF/CDG-ORY/LFMinimum connecting time for interline connections between two different airports
DM4Minimum connecting from a specific line in a PNR, or an availability or schedule display
DM4/2Minimum connecting time for a connecting flight with more than two legs
DM2*12Minimum connecting time from dual-city pair availability or schedule display
DM1/3Minimum connecting time between two flights in a PNR
DMSMinimum connecting time mask
Amadeus PNR
Name Element NM1RAVEL/TOM MRCreates a single family name
NM2MEYERS/HANS MR/HEIDI MRSCreates more than one passenger with the same family name
NM2HOBART/JAMES MR/BILL (CHD)Creates an adult passenger and a child with the same family name
NM1BRADLEY/MICHAEL (CHD)Creates a child single family name
NM1BRILL/SUSAN MRS (INF/LISA)Creates an infant associated to an adult with the same family name
NM1BROCH/R MRS (INFLEWIS/SUSAN)Creates an infant associated to an adult with a different family name
NM1NELSON/FRANK MR 1EDWARDS/RICHARD MR Creates a multiple family name element
NM2ADAMS/ARTHUR MR(IDCBBG)/CBBG Creates a passenger name with cabin baggage if only one ticket is required
NM2WILLIAMS/ALEX MR/CBBGCreates a passenger name with cabin baggage if only two tickets are required
NM2WILLIAMS/ALEX MR(IDEXST)/EXST Creates a passenger name requiring an extra seat
NM1LEWIS/JOHN MR (IDSTCR)Creates a stretcher passenger name
Itinerary Element SS1C3Short sell for a non-stop, direct or connecting flight
SS1MC1Short sell for a connecting flight in different classes
SS1MCM1Short sell for a multiple connecting flight in different classes
SS1C1*11Short sell same class, from a dual-city pair availability display
SS1C1*Y11Short sell different classes, from a dual-city pair availability display
SS1C1/UM6Short sell unaccompanied minor
SS1C1/UM6*11/UM6Short sell unaccompanied minor, dual city
SS1C1/FFShort sell frequent flyer
SS1F3/PEShort sell waitlist
SS2C2/STShort sell stretcher passenger
SSBA246C19JUNNLGWMADUM1/5Long sell unaccompanied minor
SSAF882C19DECORYLHRFF1Long sell a frequent flyer
SSAF808Y18MAYCDGLHRST2Long sell stretcher passenger
SSIB5110F22SEPMADFRAPE2Long sell waitlist
SOAFC5AUGCDGNCEOpen segment with a date
SIARNKArrival unknown segment
SIARNK8MAYArrival unknown segment with a date
SIKL171c28JUNAMSCPHInformation segment
AA1K3/PK/AS1234Short sell passive segment
SSAS110Y15JULSEALAXPK1/AS1234Long sell passive segment
SS1G2/GK/GBAA2BShort sell ghost segment
SSAA1197G28JANMIAIAHGK1/GBAA2BLong sell ghost segment
SS1G2/HK/GBAA2BShort sell service segment
SSAA1197G28JANMIAIAHHK1/GBAA2BLong sell service segment
SSBA333C19MARORYLHRRR1Reconfirmation segment booked in another system
AUIBNN1SCQVGO21JUL/VIP NEED JETAir taxi auxiliary segment
CULHNN1FRA12SEP-14SEPECAR /EUROPCAR Car auxiliary segment
HURGNN1RIO01SEP-03SEP /1 DOUBLE COPACABANA HTL Hotel auxiliary segment
TUUANN1LAS/12SEP-15SEP /GO GO TOUR ITLAS643 Tour auxiliary segment
RU1AHKPAR15SEP/LOUVRE TKTSMemo auxiliary segment
RTSVCRetrieves flight service information
RTIMDisplays entire itinerary including married segment indicators
RTAMDisplays entire itinerary only for flights with married segment indicators
3/RRReconfirmation segment booked in the Amadeus system
Contact Element APFRA 069 221 356-HHome telephone contact
APFRA 069 221 356-BBusiness telephone contact
APFRA 069 221 356-AAgency telephone contact
APFRA 069 221 356-FFax number
APX-NCE0492940005-BExclude address from TTY sent to airline
APS-NCE0492940005-BSend address in TTY to the airline
APE-TSMITH@AMADEUS.NETInclude email address that will not be sent to airline
APF-FR0492947704Include fax number that will not be sent to airline
APH-FRA 69 68 68 69Include home number that will not be sent to airline
APB-FRA 69 68 68 69Include business number that will not be sent to airline
API-FRA 69 68 68 69Include information number that will not be sent to airline
IEP-EMLAsend Itinerary by E-mail
IEP-EML-ABC@HOTMAIL.COMSend document to E-mail Address
Ticketing Element TKOKMinimum ticketing element
TKTL19SEP/1200Time limit ticketing element for a specific date and time
TKTL13JUN/Q3C2-TEXTQueue place ticketing element that overrides the system default
TKTL//A123Queue ticketing instruction for the agent code
TKTL//OQueue ticketing instruction to override a past date TST
TKTL//R-or- TKTL//RCHQueue ticketing instruction to reprice a TST with or without a discount
TKTL//IEPQueue ticketing instruction to print an itinerary
TKTL//INVQueue ticketing instruction to print an invoice
TKTL//T2Queue ticketing instruction to print a specific TST
TKTL//TO12Queue ticketing instruction to print in a specific time preference
TKTL//OPENQueue ticketing instruction to create a TST with an open return
TKTL//VCOQueue ticketing instruction to validate on a specific airline
TKTL//BPQueue ticketing instruction to print a boarding pass
TKTL//BPAQueue ticketing instruction to print an ATB boarding pass
TKTL//TKAQueue ticketing instruction to print an ATB ticket only
TKTL//GRPQueue ticketing instruction to print the group identifier
TKTL//SSTQueue ticketing instruction for a sell sale ticket
TKTL//TIC10AQueue ticketing instruction for an ATB self service ticket
TKTL//CPT96KE3Queue ticketing instruction for a TAT self service ticket
Received From Element RFPSGRReceived from passenger
RFMRMEYERReceived from specific passenger name
RFMR/MIAAF0234Changes queuing office to another office
RFMR/QChanges queuing office back to your own office
RF KAY SMITH/-0001ABQueues PNR to another agent in your office
F KAY SMITH/CPHSK0002-0001ABQueues PNR to a specific agent in another office
End and Ignore Transaction ETEnds transaction and files the PNR
EREnds transaction and redisplays
ETKEnds transaction, changes advice codes and files
ERKEnds transaction, changes advice codes and redisplays
EFEnds transaction and files for a split PNR
ETXConfirms the canceling of the itinerary for all AXR linked PNRs and files the records
ERXConfirms the canceling of the itinerary for all AXR link PNRs and redisplays
IGIgnores transaction
IRIgnores transaction and redisplays
Passenger and Segment Association /P2Passenger associates a single name element
/P1,3,5Passenger associates individual names
/P2-5Passenger associates a range of names
/PX3Passenger associates all names except certain ones
6/P2Passenger associates an existing element
/S5Segment associates a single element
/S3,6Segment associates individual elements
/S4-6Segment associates a range of elements
8/S3Segment associates an existing element
OSI and SSR Requests OSAF VIP BMW CORPOther service information
SRVGMLSpecial service request no free flow text
SRSPML-NO BEEFSpecial service request with free flow text
SR FQTV AF HK/-AF1234567/P1/S4Special service request for frequent flyer
SR EXST-PERSONAL COMFORTSpecial service request for extra seat
SR CBBG-ONE CELLO/P1Special service request for cabin baggage
SR UMNR-UM06Special service request for unaccompanied minor
SR*VGMLSpecial service request explosion
EXExplode SSRs prior to end transaction
SR BIKE NN2/P1More than one SSR element for the same passenger
Remark Elements RM PSGR ADV XCNL PENALTYGeneral remark
RM C,H/REQUEST NON SMOKING/P1Category remark for car and hotel at same time
RC UNLISTED PHONE PAR 45 67 89 57Confidential remark
RCF-PARAF0100,F-PARAF0200/VIP PLS ASSIST/P1 Confidential remark shared wih corporate family
Option Element OP22SEP/SEE RMKSOption element specific date
OP22SEP,30SEP/SEE RMKSOption element multiple dates
OPMADIB2030/12DEC/SEND BROCHUREOption element for another office
OP14FEB/20C2Option element to queue place on a queue and category instead of the option queue
Mailing and Billing Addresses AM MR SVEN HANNES,HOLBERGSGATEN 30,0166 OSLO 1 Mailing address
Frequent Flyer FFDAF-I990901462Displays the frequently flyer information
FFAAF-1990901462Creates the name and SSR element
FFAIB-11111111/MRSCreates the name and SSR element adding a title
FFNAF-199091462,UACreates the SSR element for an airline that has a frequent flyer agreement with another
FFRAF-1990901462-FREQUENT FLYER AWARDS Creates an SSR in the PNR for a redemption journey
VFFDRequests the table of airlines that have frequent flyer agreements
VFFDIBRequests the agreements for a specific airline
Individual PNR Security ESPARWL21**-BCreates a single security agreement
ESPARWL21**-B,***WL2***-RCreates a multiple security agreement
ES/I20239951-BCreates security agreement for an IATA number
ESDDisplays the security agreements
ESXCancels the security agreements
Advance Seat Request STRequests a non-smoking seat for all segments
ST/SRequests a smoking seat for all segments
ST/WIRequests a seat using specific options for all segments
ST/P1Requests a seat for a specific passenger for all segments
ST/S/S3Requests a seat for a specific segment
ST/A/S4/P2Requests a seat for a specific segment and passenger
ST/2ARequests a specific seat number for all segments
ST/2A/S2Requests a specific seat number for a specific segment
ST/2A-DRequests a range of seat numbers for all segments
ST/2ABCDRequests specific seat numbers for all segments
ST/4K/6KRequests more than one specific seat number for all segments
ST/12A-4/S5-or- ST/12ABCD/S5Requests multiple seats in adjacent columns of the same row for a specific segment
ST/SMSTSeat wish
ST/NSST/2A/S2Specific seat wish for a specific segment
SXCancels all seat elements
SX/S2,3Cancels seat elements for specific segments
SMLH131/C/19AUGMUCFRARequests a seat map
SMRG810/C/19SEPGIGMIA/VRequests a vertical seat map
SM3Requests a seat map for a specific segment from a retrieved PNR
SM/4Requests a seat map from a flight on a specific line in availability
STGRequests all non-smoking seats for a retrieved group PNR
STG/SRequests all smoking seats for a retrieved group PNR
STG/S3Requests seats for a specific segment for a retrieved group PNR
STG/10NRequests a specific number of non-smoking seats for a retrieved group PNR
STG/10M/15SRequests a specific number of non-smoking and smoking seats for a retrieved group PNR
PNR Retrieval RTAMQ6BBRetrieves by record locator
RT/HESSERetrieves by family name
RT/HESSE*ARetrieves by family name with active segments only
RT/BRetrieves a list of PNRs beginning with a specific letter
RT/B*ARetrieves a list of PNRs beginning with a specific letter with active segments only
RTLH155/19JUNMUC-KROKERRetrieves by flight, date, departure city, and family name
RTAF1327/19JUNNCECDG-MARTINRetrieves by flight date, departure and arrival city, and family name
RT/LONAX2099-ROBINSONRetrieves from a branch office by family name
RT/LONAX2***-PETERSON/WILLIAMRetrieves from branch offices using wild cards
RTD-LH1255/2MAYHELCPH-ROSSRetrieves by departure time and family name
RT-QT5GHY-LARSONRetrieves by record locator and family name
RT-QT5GHY-LARSON-057-1234567890Retrieves by record locator, family name, and ticket number
RTHHL/19SEP-JOHNSON RTHTL/19SEP-JOHNSON Retrieves by hotel segment
RTCCR/19JUN-WILSON RTCAR/19JUN-WILSON Retrieves by car segment
RTTTO/19JUN-FERGUSONRetrieves by tour segment
RTCRU/19JUN-ADAMSONRetrieves by cruise segment
RTM/AF-199091234Retrieves by frequent flyer number
RT/4-LEWISRetrieves from an availability, schedule, timetable or Direct Access display by line number
RTW-A43Z3BRetrieves a group PNR by record locator
RTW-LH400/19JUN-EUROPETOURRetrieves a group PNR by flight, date and group name
RTU/QW23REList of PNRs by customer profile record locator
RTUList of PNRs from customer profile
RT*ERetrieves PNR from electronic ticket record
RT4Retrieves using a specific line number from a similar name list
RT0Redisplay the similar name list
RTR/TEXTSearches for remarks by keyword
RTN,F,K,IRetrieves displaying only specific PNR elements
RLDisplay the other airlines record locators
RLPDisplay the customer profile record locators
RTXAXRRetrieves AXR record
RTAXRGH6FT4Retrieves AXR record for a specific record locator
1CORTRQB623PNR in Direct Access
Purged PNR Recall RPP/AF7708/16DEC03By airline code and flight number
RPP/AF2140/14MAY04/BPAR/OAMS-JONES/PETER*T(TEXT) By flight segment, service code, provider code, service commencement date, pick-up location, name, output display, and free-flow text
RPP/CCRZE/12JAN04/BROM-ROLF/PAUL*T(TEXT) By auxiliary segment (service code and provider code), service commencement date, pick-up location, name, output display, and free-flow text.
RPP/RLC-A1B2C3/03APR04*T(TEXT)By PNR record locator, PNR validity date, output display, and free-flow text.
RPP/PTA-0060077000072*T(TEXT)By PTA record, output display, and free-flow text.
RPP/TKT-0060077000072*T(TEXT)By ticket number, output display, and free-flow text.
RPP/INS-AXAFR/351876351*T(TEXT)By travel insurance number, output display, and free-flow text.
RPP/FFN-KL233418776/KL214/04OCT04/BAMS*T(TEXT) By frequent flyer number, airline code and flight number, flight departure date, boarding point, output display, and free-flow text.
RPP/CUS-C2BGC3/LH183/03APR04/BTXL*T(TEXT) By customer profile record locator, airline code and flight number, flight departure date, board point, output display, and free-flow text.
RPP-AMSAF0100/AF310/15MAR-JONESBy office ID, airline code and flight number, flight date, and passenger name.
Deferred recall for PNRs purged after April 2004: RPP/By airline code and flight number
RPD/LH/02JUL04-03JUL04/BPAR-HART/JOHN*T(TEXT) By airline, date range, board point, name, output display, and free-flow text
RPD/AF2140/14JUL04-16JUL04/BPAR /OAMS-HART/JOHN*T(TEXT) By airline code and flight number, flight departure date or date range, board point, off-point, name, output display, and free-flow text.
RPD/CRUPLC/14JUL04-15JUL04/BMIA /OMIA-HART/JOHN*T(TEXT) By auxiliary segment (service code and provider code), service commencement date or date range, board point, off-point, name, output display, and free-flow text.
RPD/RLC-A1B2C3/03JUL04*T(TEXT)By PNR record locator, PNR validity date, output display, and free-flow text.
RPD/PTA-0060077000072*T(TEXT)By PTA record, output display, and free-flow text.
RPD/TKT-0060077000072*T(TEXT)By ticket number, output display, and free-flow text.
RPD/INS-AXAFR/351876351*T(TEXT)By travel insurance number, output display, and free-flow text.
RPD/FFN-AF2334186/CRURCC/04JUL04-11JUL04/BMIA/OMIA*T (TEXT) By frequent flyer number, service code and service code provider code, segment date or date range, boarding point, off-point, output display, and free-flow text.
RPD/CUS-C2BGC3/ATXXX/15JUL04-16JUL04/BNCE/OMIL*T(TEXT) By customer profile record locator, airline code and flight number, segment start date or date range, board point, off-point, output display, and free-flow text.
RPD-BKKTG0123/06AUG04-09AUG04-NOGUCHI/YOKO*T(TEXT) By office ID, PNR validity date or date range, name, output display, and free-flow text.
Display Purged PNRs: RLD/R/O/16MAR-18MAR/50-60Check status of office request list
RLDT3Display result of request on line 3
PLD/30-50Request lines 30 to 50 in the PDR list
PLDDisplay PDR on line 4
PLD0Return to the PDR list
RPPQSend displayed PDR to queue
RPPPSend displayed PDR to print
RLX/5Cancel request on line 5
RLC/20Clear request on line 20
PNR Claim ROCOJS57KTClaim by airline code and record locator
ROCO50/19NOV-GREENClaim by airline flight, date and record locator
RO3Claim from a similar name list by specific line number
ERClaim the PNR and have it displayed in Amadeus format
Retrieving a PNR by Flight LM/AF824Searches by flight for current day
LM/AF824/19AUGSearches by flight and specific date
LM/SQ026/SINJFKSearches by flight and specific city pairs
LM/BA004/19DEC/CDGLHRSearches by flight , date and specific city pairs
LM/IB3600/MADSearches by flight, current date and boarding city
LM/IB3600/08DEC/MADSearches by flight, specific date and boarding city
LM/QF18/31dec/CDGsyd*ALLSearches by flight for all passengers boarding at any point and date of the flight.
LM/AF824/19SEP-PSearches by flight, date and send them to print
LM/AF824/19SEP-QSearches by flight, date and place them on queue
LM/H/AF824/19DECSearches by specific option, flight and date
LM/S(WCHR)/SK081/20NOVSearches by option with additional information, flight and date
LM/LH123/29SEP/TSearches by flight, date and include the actual number of passengers booked by flight, leg and class
LM/SFrom a list, display only a list of PNRs with a specific option
LM3From a list, display a PNR for a passenger from the line number
LM0Redisplay the list
LMC/TI(IB611)/AF824/23JUNRequests a a list of PNRs containing all the elements specified in the entry
LMN/R/SQ026/12SEPRequests a negative search by option, flight and date
Retrieving a PNR by Office LMB-A(AF)Searches for a specific airline’s PNRs
LMB-MUC1A0900-A(AF)Searches for a specific airline’s PNRs for another office
LMB-Y9TL21DEC)Q27C2Searches for PNRs and place them on queue
LMB/PSDisplay the search status table
LMB/D2Display a PNR from the search status table
LMB/A-CRequests PNRs in a specific alphabetical group
LMB/D2M-PRequests PNRs in a specific alphabetical group from the search status table
LMRFrom a PNR, redisplay the search status list
LMB/D2/PRequests a PNR from the search status table and send it to the printer
LMB/D2/NCEB21Requests a PNR from the search status table and send to a printer other than the one associated to the terminal
LMB/D2/Q29C3Requests a PNR from the search status table and place it on a specific queue
LMB/X2Delete a request from the search status table
LMB/XALLDelete all the requests from the search status table
LMB/TTLDisplay the search statistics table
Copying a PNR RRNCopies a PNR
RRN/6Copies a PNR increasing/decreasing the number of booked seats
RRN/DM3Copies the PNR moving the itinerary back by s specific number of days
RRN/DP7Copies the PNR moving the itinerary forward a specific number of days
RRN/CYCopies the PNR and change the class of service
RRN/P3Copies the PNR containing all the PNR elements associated to a specific passenger
RRN/P1,3Copies the PNR containing all the PNR elements associated to specific passengers
RRN/P1-3Copies the PNR containing all the PNR elements associated to a range of passenger
RRN/PX3Copies the PNR containing all the PNR elements associated to all passengers except a specific passenger
RRN/S5Copies the PNR for a specific segment only
RRN/S3,5Copies the PNR for specific segments only
RRN/S3-5Copies the PNR for a range of segments
RRN/SX5Copies the PNR for all segments except a specific segment
RRN/S4D23JUNCopies the PNR changing the departure date for a specific segment
RRN/S6D1AUG-3AUGCopies the PNR changing the date range for a car or hotel segment
RRN/S4CYCopies the PNR changing the class of service for a specific segment
RRN/S7,DP-CASHCopies the PNR changing the deposit information
RRN/P1,2/S4D11NOV/S7D8NOV/SX5,6Copies the PNR for specific passengers and segments changing the dates
RRACopies the PNR and create an AXR record
RRPCopies all the passenger data elements
RRP/P2Copies all the passenger data elements for a specific passenger
RRICopies only the itinerary elements
RRI/6Copies only the itinerary elements increasing/ decreasing the number of booked seats
RRI/DM3Copies only the itinerary elements moving them back by a specific number of days
RRI/DP7Copies only the itinerary elements moving them forward by a specific number of days
RRI/CYCopies only the itinerary elements changing the class of service
RRI/S5Copies only a specific itinerary element
RRI/S3,5Copies individual itinerary elements
RRI/S3-5Copies a range of itinerary elements
RRI/SX5Copies all itinerary elements with the exception of a specific element
RRI/S4D23JUNCopies the itinerary elements changing the departure date on a specific segment
RRI/S6D1AUG-3AUGCopies the car or hotel itinerary elements changing the date range
RRI/S4CYCopies the itinerary elements changing the class of service for a specific segment
RRI/S7,DP-CASHCopies the itinerary elements changing the deposit information
Printing a PNR WRA/RTPrints a displayed PNR to the office default printer
WRS/RTPrints the first screen of a displayed PNR to the office default printer
WRA/RTB05JUYPrints a PNR by record locator to the office default printer
WRS/RTB05JUYPrints the first screen of a PNR by record locator to the office default printer
WRAPAA4711/RTAZK4HTPrints a PNR by record locator to another printer in the office
WRSPAA4711/RTAZK4HTPrints the first screen of a PNR by record locator to another printer in the office
WRAMADIB0782/RTAZK4HTPrints a PNR by record locator to another office’s default printer
WRSMADIB0782/RTAZK4HTPrints the first screen of a PNR by record locator to another office’s default printer
WRATMADRAF/RTAZK4HTPrints a PNR by record locator to a SITA address
WRSTMADRAF/RTAZK4HTPrints the first screen of a PNR by record locator to a SITA address
WRA/RHPrints the history of a displayed PNR
WRS/RHPrints the first screen of history from a displayed PNR
WRA/RH/RTAZK4HTPrints the history of a PNR by record locator
WRS/RH/RTAZK4HTPrints the first screen of history from a PNR by record locator
Modifying a PNR XE2Cancels a PNR element
XE5,6Cancels individual PNR elements
XE3-6Cancels a range of PNR elements
XE3,5,8-12Cancels individual and a range of PNR elements
NU2/1SMITH/HANS MRUpdates the family name, given name and title
NU3/JANE MRSUpdates the given name
3/1GRUBBS/ANN MRSChange a name
4/JANE MRSChange a given name
1/(CHD)Change a passenger type
1/Deletes a passenger type
5/SDeletes segment association
5/PDeletes passenger association
6/LON 567 4589-HChanges a PNR element
XICancels entire itinerary
4/2/2015Increases/decreases number of booked seats
3/HKChanges segment status code
4/RRReconfirms segment status
5/09181310Changes flight times
RS2,4-5Rearranges flight segments
DL7Deletes segment with inactive status code
SBYChanges booking class of all segments
SBC2Changes booking class on a specific segment
SBC2,5Changes the booking class on individual segments
SBY3-6Changes the booking class on a range of segments
SBY2/C4/M5Changes the booking classes on various segments
SB19JUNChanges the date on all segments
SB18AUG4Changes the date on a specific segment
SB14MAY2,4Changes the date on individual segments
SB18APR3-5Changes the date on a range of segments
SB3AUG2/4AUG3Changes the dates on various segments
SPY10JUNChanges the booking date and class on all segments
SBF19DEC4Changes the booking class and date for a specific segment
SBBD194*3Changes airline and flight number for a specific segment
SBBA349*D3Airline, flight number, and class of service for a specific segment (3)
SBBA352*Y01JUN4Airline, flight number, class of service, and date for a specific segment (4)
SB3*2A specific segment (2) to a different flight from a line number (3) in an availability or schedule display
SB4*C5The class of service for a specific segment (5) from a line number (4) in an availability or schedule display
5/CPH 339 788-HChange passenger contact
6/LON 266-1000-B/P4Change passenger contact with passenger association
8/P1-3Add passenger association to an existing element
5/PDelete passenger association
4/SDelete segment association
8/OKChange ticketing arrangement
8/MUCLH0100Change ticketing office identification
8/22SEPChange ticketing date
8/OK/22SEP/MUCLH0100Change ticketing arrangement, date, and office identification
SXCancel all seat requests
SX/S5-6Cancel seat requests for specific segments
RP/MUCLH0100/OPChanges the responsible office and the option element office
RP/MUCLH0100/ALLChanges the responsible office, ticketing office, queuing office, and option element office
RPS/MADAF0200Changes the responsible office for only one AXR linked PNR
RFMR/MIAAF0234Changes the queuing office
RFMR/QChanges the queuing office to the same office identification as the current office
SP3Splits a specific name from a retrieved PNR
SP1,3,5Splits individual names from a retrieved PNR
SP3-6Splits a range of names from a retrieved PNR
SP1,2,5-8Splits individual and a range of names from a retrieved PNR
EFEnds and files a split PNR
ETXConfirms the canceling of the itinerary for all AXR linked PNRs and file the records
ERXConfirms the canceling of the itinerary for all AXR link PNRs and redisplay
PNR History RHDisplay PNR history from a retrieved PNR
RHADisplay a specific section of PNR history
RHS4Display the history for a specific itinerary segment
RHQDisplay the queue history from a retrieved PNR
RH/ALLMerge the queue history with the PNR history from a retrieved PNR
RH049Displays history by step number
RLHRecord locator history
Group PNR AG18JULPARCAI/AAF/B30Request a group availability display
AN07JULLONSYD/RGRPRequest group availability showing only group classes
SS15G3/SGShort sell group itinerary element
SS15C4/PGShort sell waitlist group itinerary element
SSLH604M12NOVDUSLHRSG10Long sell group itinerary element
SSLH604M12NOVDUSLHRPG10Long sell waitlist group itinerary element
SS11C1/SG*15/SGShort sell from a dual city pair display
NG15EUROPE TOURGroup name element
0/TOUR AMERICAChange the group name element
NM2WIDERMAN/HANS MR/HEIDE MRSAdding individual names to a group PNR
RTNDisplay the individual names in a group PNR
RTNRDisplay names as originally entered in the PNR
RTW-A43ZBF -or- RTW-LH400/28JUL-EUROPETOURDisplay group PNR with individual names displayed automatically
INP5Increase the number of group seats in a retrieved group PNR
SRGRPF-GV15Group fare SSR element
SRGRPSBATCP25Override the automatic SSR to complete party element
NTTransmit names to all airlines in a group PNR
NTSRTransmit names to a specific airline in a group PNR
NTSR,AZTransmit names to multiple airlines in a group PNR
NTBRURMSNTransmit names to a specific airline office
NTSR,BRURMSNTransmit names to a specific airline and airline office
NP15Create a NONAME element for a specific number of passengers
NP2,3,5Create multiple NONNAME elements
3/P1Passenger associate a NONAME element
NP0Cancels NONAME elements
1GCancels a group passenger name without reducing the number of seats
1-4/7GCancels multiple names in a group PNR without reducing the number of seats
XE0.10Cancels unassigned names in a group PNR and reduce the space
XE2Cancels an assigned name in a group PNR and reduce the space
XICancel itinerary of a group PNR
SP0.10Split unassigned names from a group PNR
SP1,3Split assigned names from a group PNR
SP0.5,3-5Split both unassigned and assigned names from a group PNR
Timatic TIRV/NAFR/S4-6Requests visa information from a PNR
TIRH/NAFR/S2-3Requests health information from a PNR
TIRA/NAFR/S2-3Requests visa and health information from a PNR
TIFV -or- TI/VISARequests the mask for visa information
TIFH -or- TI/HEALTHRequests the mask for health information
TIFA -or- TI/ALLRequests the mast for both visa and health information
TINEWSRequests the latest news and updates
TINEWS/N2Requests the news information from the index
TIRULESRequests a definition of the rules
TIRULES/R1Requests a specific rule from the index
TIHELPRequests the help pages
TIDFT/LIS/CSRequests specific country information
TIDFT/LIS/CS/NORequests the notes for specific information from a country information display
TIDFT/DE/PA/PTRequests specific country information by subsections
TILCC/ITALYDisplay a list of cities with airports in a specific country
TIGRLDisplay the group list
TIGRL/EECDisplay a specific group from the group list
Amadeus Fares
AIS Subjects GGFQTTXDisplays general tax information
GGFQTPFCDisplays passenger facility charge information
GGFQTDISDisplays general discount information
Scrolling Entries MDMoves down in a fare quote display
MUMoves up in a fare quote display
MBMoves to the bottom of a fare quote display
MTMoves to the top of a fare quote display
MPRequests hotel information for a specific hotel chain
MPFQDRequests car rental information
Fare Displays FQDNYCRequests a basic fare display
FQDHELNYCRequests a fare display between two city pairs
FQDMADMUC/ALHRequests an airline-specific fare display including YY fares
FQDMADMUC/A-LHRequests an airline specific fare display without YY fares
FQDHOUCHI/ACORequests a US or Canada domestic airline specific fare display
FQDNCENYC/AAF,DLRequests a multiple airline fare display
FQDOSLNYC/SRequests a shopper fare display
FQDPARMUC/R,-ZZ-PXARequests a fare display for specific fare type codes
FQDPARNYC/R,*NAPRequests a fare display using expanded parameter codes
FCANChanges from a fare display to an availability display
ACFQChanges from an availability display to a fare display
FQDNChanges a fare display to NUCs
FQDLChanges a fare display to local currency
FQDRReverses the city pairs in a fare display
FQDCChanges any other option
FQDC/D10SEPChanges the date of a fare display
Fare Notes/Rules FQN04Displays a fare note/rule for a fare on a specific line of a fare display
FQN1-1Displays a fare note/rule by line number for a specific fare component
FQN6*LIST-or- FQN6/LIST Displays a list of applicable categories or paragraphs for a fare note/rule
FQNCX/0002Displays an airline’s informational note/rule
FQN180NDisplays a fare note/rule by number
FQN1*MXDisplays a fare category or paragraph for a fare note/rule
FQN8*RTDisplays routing information, transfers, and flight application categories of a fare note/rule by line number
FQN4*RGDisplays routing information of a fare by line number
Follow-Up Transactions FQNTAX/FINLAND-or- FQNTAX/HELDisplays general tax information for a specific country
FQK5Requests a tax breakdown after a fare display
FQR8Requests routing information from a fare display
FQS2Requests booking code information from a fare display
FQS/ALHRequests booking code exceptions for a specific airline
FRM1Displays extra mileage surcharge bands
FRC1Displays the fare amount in the currency of the terminal
FRC1/GBPDisplays the fare amount in GBP
Fare Quote Tools FQMPARSTOLONDELBOMSINCalculates the mileage for an itinerary
FQM*LONLAXDisplays the mileage surcharge table
FRMDisplays the mileage calculation for all segments in a PNR
FRMS2,4,6Displays the mileage calculation for a range of non-consecutive segments in a PNR
FQOLONSELRequests mileage for global routes
DC SWITZERLANDDisplays the currency code for a specific country
FQARequests the IATA rates of exchange
FQAGERMANYRequests the IATA rates of exchange for a specific country
FQATHAILAND/01JUL0xRequests past date IATA rates of exchange for a specific country
FQC100SEKConverts a specific amount of currency to the currency associated to the terminal
FQCSEK-or-FQC*SE-or- FQC*STORequests the exchange rates for a currency to the currency associated to the terminal
FQC100/USDConverts a specific amount of currency from the currency associated to your terminal to another currency
FQC500USD/TRLConverts one currency into another
FQC100AUD/HKD4.72Converts one currency into another using a specific rate of exchange
FQC37.87NUC/SGDConverts a specific NUC amount into another currency
FQC1000THB/NUCConverts a specific amount of currency into NUCs
FQA*LON/01FEB0xRequests a past date IATA rate of exchange for a specific currency
FQCINR/SGD/21MAY0xRequests a past date rate of exchange between two currencies
FQXZRHSIN/10.5Requests excess baggage charges between two cities for a specific kilo amount
FQXZRHSIN/10.5/SRRequests excess baggage charges between two cities for a specific kilo amount and airline
FQXZRHSIN/28MAR0x/10.5/SRRequests excess baggage charges between two cities for a specific date, kilo amount, and airline
FQB NOKBankers’ selling rates for a currency
FQB NOK/14SEP0xPast date Bankers’ selling rates for a currency
FQB KRW/BBankers’ buying rates for a currency
FQB KRW/B/14SEP0xPast date Bankers’ buying rates for a currency
Informative Pricing FQPPARKULRequests an informative pricing for a one-way itinerary
FQPLONLAXLONRequests an informative pricing display for a round-trip itinerary
FQQ5Requests the fare components for the fare on a specific line number from an informative pricing display
FQH5Requests a vertical fare calculation for a fare on a specific line number from an informative pricing display
FQN5Requests the fare notes for the fare on a specific line number from an informative pricing display
FQS5Requests the booking code information for a fare on a specific line number from an informative pricing display
FQR5Requests the mileage information for a fare on a specific line number from an informative pricing display
FQPLON/D14SEP/ABA/CF/VEHSIN/D18OCT/ASQ/CY/VEHLON/RCH,PAR.MAD Requests an informative pricing display using options
FQPPARLONMOW-FRANCEPARRequests an informative pricing display designating a specific city as a stopover point
FQPPARLONMOW--FRANCEPARRequests an informative pricing display designating a surface sector between two city pairs
FQPPARLONMOW---FRANCEPARRequests an informative pricing display designating a stopover and a surface sector
FQPMIAFRA/M/RZZRequests an informative pricing display indicating a passenger discount
FQPSTOLON/M/RZZ*CH*IN*CD*SC*AD50Requests an informative pricing display indicating multiple discounts
FQU5//7//8//11Calculates the total amount of multiple passenger discounts from an informative pricing display
FQU1/X2//2/X3//5/X4//6/X2Calculates the total amount of multiple discounts, with more than one discount applying, from an informative pricing display
FQPNYC/ACOMIA/RMILRequests an informative pricing display for a specific airline and passenger type between two city pairs
FQPLPA/AIBMAD/RRP-CHRequests an informative pricing display with cumulative passenger type discounts
FQPLONSINLON/SRequests the mask for an informative pricing display
FQPLONSINLON/PRequests the mask for an informative pricing display, including a list of fares
Itinerary Pricing FXPPrices the itinerary and creates a TST
FXT03Displays a TST when multiple TSTs exist
FXXPrices the itinerary without storing a TST
FQQ4Displays a ticket image for a specific passenger from a name list
FXX/P1/RCHPrices an itinerary for a specific passenger and discount code without storing a TST
FXP/RID90*CH*CD*MMPrices an itinerary for multiple passengers with multiple discount codes
FXT01/P1//02/P2//03/P3//04/P4Prices an itinerary from a list of fares for multiple passengers
FDZZStores a fare discount element in the PNR
FXP/R,12AUG0xPrices an itinerary with a past date
FXP/R,10JUN0x,DO-OBDPrices an itinerary using the booking date override option
FXP/L-YAPPrices an itinerary by fare basis
FXP/ZO-B75P-or- FXP/ZO-T20APrices an itinerary zapping off a percentage or an amount
Best Buy FXBPrices the itinerary with the lowest possible fare, rebooks the itinerary, and stores the TST
FXRPrices the itinerary with the lowest possible fare, rebooks the itinerary but does not store the TST
TQTDisplays the fare details for a single TST
TQT/T4Displays the fare details when multiple TSTs exist
FXARequests a list of the lowest applicable fares
FXZ8Rebooks the itinerary for a specific fare without storing the fare
FXLDisplays the lowest possible fare for the itinerary whether or whether not it is available
FXB/RCHPrices and automatically rebooks the itinerary, using a passenger type code
FDCH/P3Stores a fare discount element in the PNR
Value Pricer FXCPARRequests a recommendation display for the current date and default origin city without a PNR
FXCPAR/D10FEBNYC/D20FEBPARRequests a recommendation display for specific city pairs and dates without a PNR
FXCRequests a recommendation display from a displayed PNR
FXUnBooks a recommendation and creates the TST
FXZnBooks a recommendation without storing the TST
FXSnSelects a recommendation
FXURebooks a recommendation and creates a new TST
MP FXCDisplays a main recommendation display
MP FXSDisplays a previously selected recommendation display
MP FQNDisplays previous fare notes
MP FQQDisplays a previous ticket image
MP FQSDisplays previous booking code information
Market Specific Features FXP/R,10JUN0xBooking date override
FXV4Booking class override
FQZPFCORDDisplays the passenger facility charges for a specific airport
FQZCAPORDDisplays the carrier absorption policy for a specific airport
FQZCOLCODisplays the PFC collection method for a specific carrier
FXP/R,VC-COPrices the PNR using the validating carrier option
FRCreates a historical fare record
RHFRRetrieves a historical fare record
Amadeus Unifares FQDLONPAR/R,UPDisplays Unifares without corporate code and public fares for a city pair
FQDFRALON/R,UDisplays Unifares without a corporate code for a city pair
FQDMADLON/R,U000212,PDisplays Unifares with a corporate code and public fares for a city pair
FXP/R,UPPrices an itinerary (with TST creation) using Unifares without a corporate code and public fares
FXC/R,UPValue Pricer with active PNR using Unifares without a corporate code and public fares
FXB/R,UPPrices an itinerary using Best Buy (with TST creation) for Unifares without a corporate code and public fares
Dynamic Discount Fares FQEDecodes or encodes corporate contracts
FQDFRALON/R,UDisplays all dynamic discount fares for a specific city pair
Private Fares FQDFRALON/R,-PFDisplays all private fares for a specific city pair
ATPCO Negotiated Fares FQDFRALON/R,UDisplays all ATPCO negotiated fares for a specific city pair
Issuing Tickets
Ticketing Agreement Tables TGBD-GBArea reporting plan for a country
TGGSD-ESGeneral sales agents for a country
TGAD-COTicketing agreements for an airline
Fare Remark Elements FH057-1234567890Manual ticket number
FE NON-REFUNDABLEEndorsement element
FM9Commission percentage
FM 200.00 ACommission amount
FO 055-3702678596 1 C23 MIL12DEC01/98576453/P1 Original document and document in exchange are the same
FPCASHForm of payment cash
FPCHECK -OR- FPCHEQUEForm of payment check
FPCCAX37314496635311004/120XForm of payment credit card
FPCCAX37314496635311004/120X/N1111Form of payment credit card with a manual approval code
DECCAX413100003456784/060X/EUR950.50/BA Obtains a manual approval code
AQ 89 25TH AVENUE NEW YORK -85282/P1 Address for credit card verification
TTVAddress verification
FPCASH+CHECK EUR 200.50Multiple forms of payment
FS 123ACMiscellaneous fare information
FZ TICKET PAID BY IBMMiscellaneous fare information
FTPAX IT2LH2TOUR2002Tour code
FDDL-CH/P2IATA discount codes
FPAFValidating airline
Issuing Tickets TTPIssues tickets for all passengers for all segments
TTP/RTIssues tickets and retains the PNR in the AAA
TTP66A003Issues tickets to an alternate printer
TTP66A003/RTIssues tickets to alternate printer and retains the PNR in the AAA
TTP/S2,4Issues tickets for all passengers for individual segments
TTP/S3-6Issues tickets for all passengers for a range of segments
TTP/P1,3Issues tickets for individual passengers for all segments
TTP/P1-4Issues tickets for a range of passengers for all segments
TTP/P1-2/S7,9,11Issues tickets for a range of passengers for individual and a range of segments
TTP/INFIssues infant tickets
TTP/PAXIssues tickets for adult and child passenger types
TTP/OPENIssues tickets for all passengers with a mirror image open return
TTP/S2AFCFRACDGIssues tickets for all passengers with a specific open segment
TTP/VAFIssues tickets for all passengers and segments specifying a specific validating airline
TTP/T3Issues tickets for a specific TST
TTP/RIssues tickets and reprices the TST
TTP/TRVRevalidates a ticket (ATB2 Tickets only)
TTP/RCHIssues tickets and reprices the TST with a discount
TTP/FEIssues tickets and overrides the default currency
TTP/FIssues tickets and removes the TST change flag
TTP/OIssues tickets and overrides a past date TST
TTP/OPTIssues tickets and overrides the electronic ticket only fare condition
TTP/OETIssues tickets and overrides the paper ticket only fare condition
TTP/IGIssues tickets and ignores the PNR when in temporary ticketing mode
TTP/IBP -OR- TTP/IEPIssues both the tickets and the itinerary
TTP/BPIssues both the tickets and the boarding passes
TTP/C-UOverrides the default coupon print (ATB tickets)
TTP/A22ABIssues tickets with an agent code printed on them
TTP/TKTVerifies that the ticketing information entered is correct
TTP/TKAIssues tickets without the boarding passes (US only)
TTP/INVIssue tickets and the invoice
TTP/T012 - OR- TTP/T024Issues tickets and overrides the time preference associated to the terminal
TTP/FPCASHIssues tickets including a form of payment
TTP/FYBULK/EBULK/XYU6/TBULKIssues tickets overriding the fare
TTP/BTKSends an A.I.R. to the back office system (it does not issue tickets)
TTP/IMPIssues tickets and prints a mini-itinerary
TTP/INV-FAX-FR494960486Issues tickets and sends the invoice by fax
TTP/INV-EML-MBAUER@YKT.COMIssues tickets and sends the invoice by e-mail
TTP/EXCHIssues tickets for an exchange
TTP/R,WTIssues tickets and withholds all taxes
TTP/R,WQIssues tickets and withholds all surcharges
TTP/H1Issues tickets and sends a shadow A.I.R. to the office defined in the office profile
TTP/R,DO-OBDIssues tickets and overrides the booking date restriction
TTP/OD16JUN0XIssues ticket and overrides the ticketing date
TTR/SN0900000590Reprints all accounting coupons of a ticket using the sequence number
TTR/SN0900000590/C-UReprints a specific coupon type using the sequence number
TTR/L6Reprints all accounting coupons of a ticket by specifying the FB element line number in a PNR
TTR/L6/C-UReprints a specific coupon type using the FB element line number in a PNR.
TTP/OIssues tickets for a PNR with an expired TST
TTP/OPTOverrides the electronic ticket only fare condition
TTP/OETOverrides the paper ticket only fare condition
TTP/RIssues tickets and reprices the itinerary
Creating a TST TQTCRequests TST displayed in cryptic mode
TQTPRequests TST displayed in panel mode
TQTDisplays a TST or a list of TSTs
TQT/T3Displays a TST from a list of TSTs
TQT/FMDisplays commission information from the commission table
TQT/FM9Displays the applicable commission from a percentage entered
TTDSets the confidential TST flag
TTCCreates a manual TST
TTC/DCreates a manual individual TSTs for all passengers
TTC/S8,10,12-14Creates a manual TST for specific segments
TTC/S8,9/OPENCreates a manual TST for specific segments with a mirror image open return
TTC/S8,9,AFC25NOVCDGMADCreates a manual TST for specific segments with a specific open segment
TTC/P1,3-5Creates a manual TST for specific passengers
TTC/PAXCreates a manual TST for all adult and child passengers
TTC/INFCreates a manual TST for an infant
Deleting a TST TTEDeletes a single TST
TTE/T1Deletes a specific TST
TTE/T1,3Deletes individual TSTs
TTE/T1-3Deletes a range of TSTs
TTE/ALLDeletes all TSTs
TTE/P1,3Deletes TSTs for specific individual passengers
TTE/P1-3Deletes TSTs for a range of passengers
TTE/T1,3/P1,3,4/T3/P5Deletes specific TSTs for specific passengers
Updating a TST TTI/L2X,4XIndicates connections in specific cities
TTI/V27OCTIndicates that all segments are not valid before a specific date
TTI/V10AUG15SEPIndicates that all segments are not valid before and after specific dates
TTI/L1,2/V19DECIndicates specific segments that are not valid before a specific date
TTI/L1,2/V15MAY15JUNIndicates that specific segments are not valid before and after specific dates
TTI/VXX20NOVIndicates that all segments are not valid after a specific date
TTI/L1,3,4/VXX15DECIndicates that specific segments are not valid after a specific date
TTI/VDeletes both the not-valid-before and not-valid-after dates
TTI/L1,2/V12MARDeletes the not-valid-after date for specific segments
TTI/L1,2/VXX15JUNDeletes the not-valid-before dates for specific segments
TTI/A22KIndicates a kilo baggage allowance on all segments
TTI/A66PIndicates a pound allowance on all flight segments
TTI/APCIndicates the piece concept baggage allowance of all flight segments
TTI/L1,2/A32KIndicates the kilo baggage allowance for specific segments
TTI/L1,2/A22K/L3,4/APCIndicates the kilo piece concept baggage allowance for specific segments
TTI/ADeletes all baggage allowance information
TTI/L1,2/A22K/L,3,4/ADeletes partial baggage allowance information
TTI/DPARLONUpdates the origin and destination city pair
TTTI/BY E21Indicates a fare basis for all segments
TTI/BY INFIndicates a fare basis and a ticket designator
TTI/L1/BY E21Indicates a fare basis for specific segments
TTI/BDeletes all fare basis information for all segments
TTI/L1,2/BY E21/L3,4/BDeletes partial fare basis information
TTI/C10JUN04BCN IB FRA733.35IB BCN7333.35NUC1466.70END ROE0.821567SITI XT EUR1.33QV EUR14.28RA EUR9.84DE Creates a linear fare calculation manually
TTI/CBUILDSystem creates the fare calculation line
TTI/L1-3/Z100.00Specifies the value of each leg of the trip
TTI/L1-2X/Z63.15/L3-4X/Z63.15ROE5.67890 Creates a fare calculation line including transfer indicators, fare breakdown and rate of exchange
TTI/L1/ZS10.00Q5.00/L2-3,4X/Z100.00Creates a fare calculation including a Q surcharge amount, stopover charges, stopover and transfer indicators, and fare breakdowns at the destination points of segments 2 and 4
TTI/L1,2,3/ZS0/L4/Z600.00EURCreates a fare calculation line suppressing the fare to be broken at intermediate points,and places the fare at the destination city
TTI/L3/ZXF EWR3MIA3PD XF LAX3ORD3 Creates the fare calculation line including passenger facility charges
TTI/NF-EUR550.00Creates a net fare amount.
TTI/CI-Creates the fare calculation line for involuntary rerouting automatically. (Airlines only)
TTI/CDeletes the fare calculation line
TTI/FUSD1425/EEUR1614.00/XEUR3.51DE/XEUR5.03US/TEUR1622.54 Creates a fare element (first issue identifier, base fare, equivalent fare, taxes and total fare amount) with the TTI entry
TTI/FDeletes a fare element with the TTI entry
TTK/FEUR1570.00Adds or changes a base fare with the TTK entry
TTK/FDeletes a fare element with the TTK entry
TTK/EUSD1250.00Creates an equivalent fare amount (TTK entry only)
TTK/EDeletes the equivalent fare amount (TTK entry only)
TTK/XEUR3.92FRSEAdds an individual new tax in the TST (TTK entry only)
TTK/XDeletes all new taxes (TTK entry only)
TTK/X/O -OR TTK/O/XDeletes all new and old taxes (TTK entry only)
TTK/X2Deletes tax number 2 (TTK entry only)
TTK/X3-OChanges the tax identifier of tax number 3 from new tax to old tax (TTK entry only)
TTK/X4-XChanges the tax identifier of tax number 4 from old tax to new tax (TTK entry only)
TTK/X3-OUSD12.51USAPChanges the tax code, amount, and tax identifier of tax number 3 (TTK entry only)
TTI/QUSD22.00USUpdates the tax panel with a refundable tax
TTI/HEWR3Updates the tax panel with a refundable passenger facility charge
TTK/TUSD869.50Adds or changes the total fare amount (TTK entry only)
TTI/K13.3968Adds or changes the first bankers’ rate
TTI/K2EUR6.93624Adds or changes the second bankers’ rate for a transitional currency
TTI/SSITIAdds the international sales indicator
TTI/T-PAdds or changes the ticket type indicator
TTI/T-Deletes the ticket type indicator
Updating the TST with New Segments TTU/T1/S2,4Updates the TST with new segment information for a specific TST
TTU/T1,2/S2,4-6,8Updates multiple TSTs with the new segment information
PNR Change Flag TTFRemoves the PNR change flag when only one TST exists
TTF/T1Removes the PNR change flag from a specific TST
TTF/T1,3-5Removes the PNR change flag from multiple TSTs
TTF/T1-3Removes the PNR change flag from a range of TSTs
TTF/ALLRemoves the PNR change flag from all the TSTs
Adding Passengers to an Existing TST TTA/P2Adds a specific passenger to the only existing TST
TTA/P3,5/T1Adds multiple passengers to a specific TST
TTA/P3/INF/T2,4Adds an infant passenger to multiple TSTs
TTA/P1-3/T1-3Adds multiple passengers to multiple TSTs
Splitting Passengers from an Existing TST TTS/P2Splits a specific passenger from the only existing TST
TTS/P3,5/T1Splits multiple passengers from a specific TST
TTS/P3/T2,4Splits a specific passenger from multiple TSTs
TTS/P2-3/T1-3Splits multiple passengers from multiple TSTs
TST History TTHRequests the history when only one TST exists
TTH/T2Requests the history for a specific TST
TTH/T2ARequests a specific section of TST history
Temporary Ticketing Mode TYAccesses temporary ticketing mode
SS1Y4/HKShort sell in temporary ticketing mode
SSBA302Y19MARCDGLHRHK1Long sell in temporary ticketing mode
SS AF123 C 13AUG NYCCDG HK1/17000625+1 Long sell for a flight not in the system
IGLeaves temporary ticketing mode
Queue Ticketing TTP/TLPrints tickets on the TL queue
Burst Document Printing TTB/TLBurst prints documents from queue 8 for a specific ticketing arrangement
TTB/Q52C23-DOBurst prints documents for a specific queue and category for a specific ticketing arrangement
TTB/Q52*ALL-MABurst prints documents for a specific queue, all categories and for a specific ticketing arrangement
TTB/Q8C7-MA/QESBurst prints documents from a specific queue, category and for a specific ticketing arrangement and keep the documents on queue
TTB/Q53C23-DO/QB3C4Burst prints documents from a specific queue, category and for a specific ticketing arrangement and places the PNRs on a different queue and category
TKTL//TTPPrints tickets only
TKTL//INVPrints invoice only
TKTL//TTP/INVPrints tickets and invoice
TKTL//TTP/BPPrints tickets and non-ATB boarding passes
TKTL//TTP/IEPPrints tickets and itinerary
TKTL//TTP/IMPPrints ATB tickets and mini-itinerary
TKTL//TTP/INV/IMPPrints ATB tickets, invoice and mini-itinerary
TKTL//TTP/BP/INVPrints tickets, non-ATB boarding passes and invoice
DG4100007239/7Calculates the ticket number’s check digit
Ticket Reissue FPO/CASHOriginal form of payment
FPO/CASH+CHECK+CCAX37149635377004/1202Several original forms of payment
FO 017-4402678345FRA11NOV0X/2020968Exchange document
Incentive Ticketing FT NR D197Tour code element with net remit indicator and value code
FT NR 12345678/D197Tour code element with net remit indicator, airline commercial agreement reference number and value code
FT NR 12345678Tour code element with net remit indicator and airline commercial agreement reference number
FP NR+CASH/EUR303.50Form of payment element with net remit indicator, form of payment and the selling fare
FM7NCommission element with commission percentage and net remit indicator
TTI/NF-EUR120.00Update the TST with the net fare amount (net remit methods 2A and 2E)
FTIT2BA2AMA052IT fare tour code
Advance Boarding Pass BPIssue boarding passes for all segments and all passengers from a retrieved PNR
BP/S5Issue boarding passengers for all passengers for a specific segment from a retrieved PNR
BP/S3,5Issue boarding passes for all passengers for individual segments from a retrieved PNR
BP/S5-8Issue boarding passes for all passengers for a range of segments from a retrieved PNR
BP/P1Issue boarding passes for a specific passenger for all segments from a retrieved PNR
BP/P1,4Issue boarding passes for individual passengers for all segments from a retrieved PNR
BP/P2-5Issue boarding passes for a range of passengers for all segments from a retrieved PNR
BP/P3/S7Issues a boarding pass for a specific passenger and segment from a retrieved PNR
BP/P1,3/S5,8Issue boarding passes for individual passengers and multiple segments from a retrieved PNR
BP/P2-4/S10-14Issue boarding passes for a range of passengers and segments from a retrieved PNR
BP/P1,3-5/S6,8-10Issue boarding passes for both individual and a range of passengers and segments from a retrieved PNR
BPAM1234Issue boarding passes to an alternate printer
BPDIssue a duplicate boarding pass for all passengers and segments from a retrieved PNR
BPIIssue an infant boarding pass from a retrieved PNR
NIBPPAM1234Check the status of the boarding pass printer
NIBPPAM1234STARTStarts the boarding pass printer
NIBPPAM1234/STOPStops the boarding pass printer
Amadeus Queues
Queue Count QTDisplays the total queue workload
QTQDisplays a summary queue count
QCDisplays the workload in specific categories
QC/PARAF0900/1C1Displays a specific office, queue, category, and active date ranges
QCCQueue count – sign association
QCAQueue count with activity sign association
QC1CAQueue count for all active categories
QCTDisplays a summary planner for time-deferred, ticketing, delay, and option PNRs
QCDDisplays a summary planner for date-deferred PNRs
QCMDisplays half-month totals
7QVRDisplays summary of PNRs by record locator
QCRResets the queue counts to zero
QCR/officeid/8C1D2-RResets and refreshes the queue count in the office nicknamed OFFICEID
Queue Action QS8C1Starts processing PNRs or messages in a queue
QSB8C1Browses through a queue
QNRemoves the current PNR from queue and displays the next one
QNFRemoves the current PNR from queue and exits queue mode
QD15MAR/1200Ignores the current PNR and places it on the bottom of the queue
QDFIgnores the current PNR, places it on the bottom of the queue, and exits queue mode
QD08FEBDelays the current PNR to another date or time
QIIgnores the PNR and exits queue mode
QIRIgnores the PNR, exits queue mode, and redisplays the PNR
QFEnds transaction and exits queue mode
QFREnds transaction, exits queue mode, and redisplays the PNR
QRRemoves all PNRs or messages from a queue
QURedisplays a message
RTRedisplays a PNR
RTQLists all queues containing the currently retrieved PNR
QXP3After displaying all queues containing the currently retrieved PNR, this entry removes the PNR from the queue on line number 3 of the display
QXP/ALLAfter displaying all queues containing the currently retrieved PNR, this entry removes the PNR from ALL queues
QX/ZIACLQ/15C0Moves a PNR to a specific queue using its record locator
ETEnds transaction on a PNR
QM7C2/8C3Moves a PNR to multiple queues
QMRPlaces a PNR on multiple queues and retains it on the current one
QB25C1-26C1Transfers multiple PNRs from one queue to another queue to another
QBRTransfers multiple PNRs from one queue to another and retains them on the current queue
ERKEnds, redisplays, and updates advice codes
BM/SK0Sends a broadcast message
QRDDDeletes all PNRs from the date delay queue
QRDTDeletes all PNRs from the time delay queue
QV.JANE.C1/R(40-60)Displays the PNRs 40 to 60 in category 1 of the queue nicknamed JANE in the current office
QV.corpid/JANE.C1Displays the PNRs in category 1 of the queue nicknamed JANE in the corporation nicknamed CORPID
QV/1C2D3Lists the PNRs on queue 1 in your own office, category 2, and date range 3
QV/FRALH0980/1Lists the PNRs on queue 1 in the office FRALH0980
QV3Retrieves the PNR on line 3 of the Queue View display, leaving it on the queue
QVD3Retrieves the PNR on line 3 of the Queue View display, removing it from the queue at the same time
QV0Refreshes the Queue View display
QVM3/1C1D1Moves the PNR in a Queue View display to a specific queue
QVX1,2Removes the PNRs on both line 1 and 2 of the current Queue View display
QVXALLRemoves all PNRs from the currently displayed queue
QVU/Q12/OFFTurns off automatic clearance
QVU/Q12/ONTurns on automatic clearance
QVU/Q12/DISPDisplays the status of automatic clearance
QWMT/25JUN/8C3Transfers PNRs from the future ticketing queue to another queue
QWMO/25JUN/8C3Transfers PNRs with future option elements to another queue
QWMD/25JUN/3C1Transfers PNRs stored in the future delay record to be copied to another queue
QE8C1Places a PNR or message on queue
QE8C1-GTD5BJPlaces a PNR on queue by record locator
QER3Places a PNR on another queue while retaining it on the current queue
QESEnds transaction and moves the PNR to the bottom of the queue
Queue Maintenance QA5C2Adds a special queue
QA6C2D01NOV-15NOV-30NOVAdds a dual queue
QAQ5FARESAdds a queue identity to a queue
QAC97C7-12Adds categories to an existing queue
QAN5C2MAILINGAdds or changes the category identity of a special queue
QAR87C2OTHERSAdds or changes the category identity of a dual queue
QK6Deletes an existing queue
QKC87C4-7Deletes categories
QAM7C1Changes a dual queue to a special queue
QAM7C1D23MAR-30MAR-07APRChanges a special queue to a dual queue
QLA JANE/30Creates a nickname
QLDDisplays a queue nickname list
QLX JANEDeletes a nickname
QPPrints and delete PNRs from queue
QPRPrints PNRs and retains them on queue
QHPrints PNR history and deletes PNRs from queue
QHRPrints PNR history and retains PNRs on queue
QP30C1D2-NCEB21 STARTStarts automatic queue print
QP30C1D2-NCEB21 STOPStops automatic queue print
Queue Ticketing and Queue Monitor TTP/TLPrints tickets for all PNRs in a specific category
TTB/TLBurst document prints from queue 8 for a specific category
TTB/Q52 C23-TLBurst document prints from a specific queue for a specific category
TTB/Q52 C23-TL/QESBurst document prints and retains the PNR on queue
TTB/Q52 C23-TL/QB3C4Burst document prints and moves the PNRs to another queue
QOA2Activates queue monitor
QOX2Cancels queue monitor
QODALLDisplays queue monitor
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