SSR codes and description of the services for Amadeus

  • For information, refer to the Amadeus Help pages HE SR.
These codes are supplied by teletype message from the airline according
to the agreement established between Amadeus and the airline.
Freeflow text is mandatory, for example SRMASS - elderly person.
For other codes, freeflow text is optional

/ ADTK  Advise if ticketed (PNR will be placed in queue 1, category 6 of the responsible office)                      
*AVIH  Animal in hold, specify number, type and pedigree, and container weight and dimensions                        
AVMLVegetarian hindu meal                                 
BBMLBaby meal                                             
BIKEBicycle in hold, specify number (see below)            
BLMLBland meal                                            
BLNDBlind, specify whether or not accompanied by guide dog
BSCTBassinet/carrycot/baby basket                         
*BULK  Bulky baggage, specify number, weight and dimensions  
*CBBG  Cabin baggage requiring seat(s), specify number, weight, and size                                             
CHMLChild meal                                             
*CKIN  Information for airport personnel                     
CLIDCorporate client code used by all gdss                
COURCommercial courier, specify weight and courier company
CRUZCruise passenger                                      
DBMLDiabetic meal                                        
DEAFDeaf, specify if accompanied by a guide dog          
DEPADeportee, accompanied by an escort                   
DEPUDeportee, unaccompanied                               
DOCAAPIS address details                                 
DOCOAPIS visa                                            
DOCSAPIS passport or identity card                       
*DPNA  Disabled passenger with intellectual or development disability needing assistance                           
EPAYElectronic payment for ticketless carriers           
*ESAN  Passenger with emotional support/psychiatric assistance or animal in cabin                           
*EXST  Extra seat                                           
*FOID  Form of ID                                           
FPMLFruit platter meal                                   
FQTRFrequent flyer mileage program redemption            
FQTSFrequent flyer service request                       
FQTUFrequent flyer upgrade and accrual                
FQTVFrequent flyer mileage program accrual                 
*FRAG  Fragile baggage, specify number, weight, and dimension 
FRAVFirst available                                        
GFMLGluten intolerant meal                                 
GPSTGroup seat request, specify number and preferred location
*GRPF  Group fare, specify fare code                          
GRPSPassengers traveling together using a common identity       
HNMLHindu meal                                              
*INFT  Infant, specify name and date of birth                 
JPMLJapanese meal (LH specific - need airline association) 
KSMLKosher meal                                            
*LANG  Languages spoken                                        
LCMLLow calorie meal                                       
LFMLLow fat meal                                           
LSMLLow salt meal                                          
*MAAS  Meet and assist, specify details such as elderly person, handicapped passenger, or pregnant lady        
MEDAMedical case. Can be used for disabled passengers needing special attention. Follow IATA MEDA procedure.
MOMLMuslim meal                                         
NAMEName - when airline holds reservation under a different name                                      
NFMLNo fish meal (LH specific - needs airline association)
NLMLLow lactose meal                                    
NSSANo-smoking aisle seat                               
NSSBNo-smoking bulkhead seat                            
NSSTNo-smoking seat (seat number may be included)       
NSSWNo-smoking window seat                              
OTHSOther service not specified by any other SSR code   
PCTCEmergency contact details for passenger             
PETCAnimal in cabin, specify number, type and pedigree, and container weight and dimension                  
PICAPassenger in custody, accompanied                 
PICUPassenger in custody, unaccompanied               
RQSTSeat request-include seat number or preference      
RVMLRaw vegetarian meal                                 
*SEAT  Pre-reserved seat with boarding pass issued or to be issued                                             
*SEMN  Seaman - ship's crew            
SFMLSea food meal                                        
SLPRBed/berth in cabin                                   
SMSASmoking aisle seat                                    
SMSBSmoking bulkhead seat                                
SMSTSmoking seat (specific seat number may be included)  
SMSWSmoking window seat                                  
*SPEQ  Sports equipment                                      
*SPML  Special meal, specify food items                     
STCRStretcher passenger                                  
/ TKNA  Ticket number in FA element   (automatically sent to the airline)        
/ TKNC  Ticket number transmission
/ TKNE  E-ticket number in FA element  
/ TKNM  Ticket number in FH element                          
TKTLTicketing time limit (automatically generated)       
TWOVTransit or transfer without visa                     
*UMNR  Unaccompanied minor, specify age                     
VGMLVegetarian vegan meal
VJMLVegetarian jain meal                                 
VLMLVegetarian lacto-ovo meal                            
VOMLVegetarian oriental meal                             
WCBDWheelchair - dry cell battery                        
WCBWWheelchair - wet cell battery                        
WCHCWheelchair - all the way to seat                     
WCHRWheelchair - for ramp                                
WCHSWheelchair - up and down steps                       
WCMPWheelchair - manual power (US carriers only)         
WCOB Wheelchair - on board                                
*XBAG  Excess baggage, specify number, weight and dimension 
WEAPWeapons, firearms or ammunition carried as checked baggage
SVAN (LH)Passenger with service animal in cabin

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