Please find the e-mail below from China Southern regarding the flights cancellations of CZ 3067/3068 and CZ 6067/6068.
24/7 Emergency Response China Hotline: 0086 40086 95539
Due to bulk cancellation by the passengers the flights has been adjusted as follows . Please inform passenger to INVOL Refund or Change
Flight no Date Remark
CZ 3067/3068 02 FEB 2020 CANCEL
CZ 6067/6068 03 FEB 2020 CANCEL
CZ 6067/6068 04 FEB 2020 CANCEL
CZ 6067/6068 05 FEB 2020 CANCEL
CZ 6067/6068 06 FEB 2020 CANCEL
CZ 6067/6068 07 FEB 2020 CANCEL
CZ 6067/6068 08 FEB 2020 CANCEL
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries.
We appreciate your support and look forward to serving you again in the near future
With Regards
Dhiraj Chandra Shrestha
Deputy Sales Manager
West Wing , Second Floor
Hiti Sadan , 501/35 Narayanhiti Path
Kathmandu , Nepal
Hiti Sadan , 501/35 Narayanhiti Path
Kathmandu , Nepal
Phone No : 4427261 /62, 4440754
24/7 Emergency Response China Hotline: 0086 40086 95539