Amadeus : How to display a refund record


Once a refund record has been processed, you can display it again, as long as the document is stored in the Amadeus Document Database. There are three methods to display the refund record:
TRF172-12345678900By ticket number
TRF/L6By FA line number in the PNR
TRF/I-378By item number on the Query Report
  • To redisplay a pending refund (if you are in the process of creating a refund record, and if you have cleared your screen): TRF
  • To display a breakdown of the refundable taxes: TRFT
  • To return to the refund record after displaying the tax breakdown: TRF
  • To ignore the refund record: TRFIG
Once the refund record has been processed (TKT-N), no modifications are allowed. You must cancel the refund and create a new refund record. If you are displaying a refund record prior to processing it, you can update the data. For example, you can add Fare Used data for partial refunds.

More details

Entry: TRF
Refund display example with most common items:
REFUND RECORD  125 2010010564           AGT-11223344 AA/06JUN1X M TKT-Y
I   ISSUED      10JUL1X
D1  DOCUMENT   125 4620023907 1 CPNS 4
D2             125 4620023908 2 CPNS 12
F   FARE PAID              GBP 1000.00
U   FARE USED                   500.00
    FARE REFUND                 500.00
CP  CANX FEE                    100.00
MF  MISC FEE                     50.00      20.00P
XT  TAX REFUND                   23.00 >TRFT
OP  OB FEE PAID                   0.00
    OB FEE REFUND                 0.00 >TRFOB
    REFUND TOTAL                373.00
FM  COMMISSION                               9.00P
XM  CANX FEE COMMISSION          30.00*     30.00P
FP1 CASH                        100.00
AA  AUTHORISATION          12345678901234

125 2010010564Refund number
AGT-11223344ARC/BSP number
AAAgent sign
06JUN1XDate document is refunded
  • F - All data was automatically sent to refund record
  • M - All data was manually entered
  • L - Data was sent automatically, then modified by user  
  • A - Fully automated Data and Manual captured cancellation penalty/ refund charge and waiver code of cancellation penalty
  • N - Data cannot be modified, read only 
  • Y - Data can be updated, record has been processed 
NMName on document
IOriginal issue date
D1 ...First document number
1Check digit of first refunded document
4Coupons being refunded
D2 ...Second document number
FOriginal fare paid
UAmount of the fare used
FARE REFUNDSystem calculated refund amount
CPCancellation penalty
MFMiscellaneous fee value
XTCombined refundable taxes
>TRFTEnter TRFT to see tax breakdown
OPTotal OB fees value
OB FEE REFUNDSystem calculated OB refund amount
>TRFOBEnter TRFOB to see OB fee breakdown
FMCommission on original document is 9%
XMCommission on cancellation Fee, Percentage applied
FP1Original form of payment
TCTour code
AASettlement authorization code, sent with electronic ticket refunds
RMAdditional Remarks

Refund record fields and field identifiers
Here is a list of refund record fields and their corresponding field identifiers, with an indication in brackets as to whether content in this field is mandatory before you can process the refund.
Field identifierField
R (mandatory)Refund number
NM (mandatory)Passenger name
I (mandatory)Date of issue
DATicket/document number(s), add
DXTicket/document number(s), delete
D,DG (mandatory)Tkt/doc number check digit
D,CTkt/doc coupons, to add
DXTkt/doc coupons, to delete
TKT (mandatory)Document type
F (mandatory)Fare paid
U (mandatory)Fare used
FM (optional)Commission
CP (optional)Cancellation penalty
CM (optional)Cancellation penalty commission
MF (optional)Miscellaneous fee
TATax, add
TXTax, delete
TUTax, update
TC (optional)Tour code
NF (optional)Net fare
FP (mandatory)Form of payment
FPA (mandatory)Form of payment amount
FO (optional)Original issue
RM (optional)Remarks
AA (optional)Airline authority
CUR (optional)Currency
  • For information, refer to the Amadeus Help pages HE TRF, GPAR3
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