Once you have processed a refund, you can cancel it only if the sales period is still open and the refund has not yet been confirmed by your local BSP/ARC. You can cancel a processed refund from the query report, from the retrieved PNR, or by entering the 10-digit document number. Examples:
TRDC/1297 | From the query report by query report sequence number |
TRDC/L6 | From the PNR by FA/FH element line number |
TRDC/TK-1234567890 | By document number, 10 digits |
Here is an example of how to cancel a refund from the query report.
1. Check the Amadeus Help pages HEETTxx (xx= airline code) to verify if cancel refund is allowed.
![]() | How to verify if airline supports the cancel refund function |
2. Display the query report: TJQ
AGY NO - 111222333 QUERY REPORT 06MAR CURRENCY GBP OFFICE - LON1A0000 SELECTION: AGENT - 0001AA 06 MAR 20x6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SEQ NO A/L DOC NUMBER TOTAL DOC TAX COMM FP PAX NAME AS RLOC TRNC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 002941*172 1234567890 316.70 12.70 20.00 CA PAX/J 6X XXXXXX TKTT 002942*172 1234567891 485.00 13.00 25.00 CA PAX/MATH 6X XXXXXX TKTT 002943*172 1234567892 6955.00 81.00 150.00 CA PAX/ROB 6X XXXXXX TKTT 002944 172 1234567893 6955.00 -81.00 -150.00 CA PAX/ROB 6X XXXXXX RFND > |
3. To cancel the processed refund from the query report, enter: TRDC/2944
System Response: OK - REFUND CANCELLED
4. Display the query report again, enter: TJQ
System Response:
AGY NO - 111222333 QUERY REPORT 06MAR CURRENCY GBP OFFICE - LON1A0000 SELECTION: AGENT - 0001AA 06 MAR 20x6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SEQ NO A/L DOC NUMBER TOTAL DOC TAX COMM FP PAX NAME AS RLOC TRNC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 002941*172 1234567890 316.70 12.70 20.00 CA PAX/J 6X XXXXXX TKTT 002942*172 1234567891 485.00 13.00 25.00 CA PAX/MATH 6X XXXXXX TKTT 002943*172 1234567892 6955.00 81.00 150.00 CA PAX/ROB 6X XXXXXX TKTT 002944 172 1234567893 6955.00 -81.00 -150.00 CA PAX/ROB 6X XXXXXX RFNX > |
The query report shows the transaction type code RFNX for the cancelled refund.
When you cancel a refund, the transaction type code in the TRNC column of the query report is changed from RFND or REND (depending on your market) to RFNX. RFNX indicates that the document is back to its original sale status (TKTB, TKTT, TKTA, and so on). However, the original transaction type code is not shown in the query report.
Note: A cancelled refund is not reported to the BSP/ARC.