COVID-19 Crisis: Exceptional Extension of PNR life


In order to easily handle passenger servicing (Reissue/Refund) due to the current COVID-19 Pandemic situation, for any booking that has been canceled, Amadeus will extend the PNR retention for the segments booked for travel between 22nd April until 30th June 2020.

The extension of the PNRs will be for one year from the date of last fight segment on the PNR. Once extended, the PNR shows an RF line in the PNR history with EXTEND PURGE <extended purge date>.

The PNR purge date is usually four days after the last travel date of segments in the PNR. Amadeus is going to extend the purge date by one year from the date of the last air segment in the itinerary for PNRs containing:

o   At least one ticketed flight on any airline with a travel date starting from April 22nd until June 30th,

o   At least one flight segment with canceled status, this implies that a cancellation action has been done on the PNR either by Airline or by Travel Agent.

As airlines cancel their flights progressively, the PNR retention extension process will be re-run every few days to identify PNRs with newly canceled flights.

The PNRs with the following status codes will be in the scope of retention extention process:

ü  Air Segment Status with UN, NO, UC, CX, HX, IX, PX, XL, XX
ü  PNR canceled using the entries XI, XE


Below is PNR sample with RF line which is processed with extention process:

PNR History RH will display the Extended Purge date :

For more details, please contact your Amadeus Helpdesk
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