Amadeus : How to refund an unused e-ticket with cancellation penalty - full refund with CP (Cryptic)


Tip before you start.
Before the refund process initiation, you need to check that all e-ticket coupons statuses related to the refund are open for use (O).
Also you need to know beforehand:
  • if ticket can be refunded
  • the exact amount of fare you wish to refund
  • all specific tax in detail that will be refunded and all those that will not
  • if a cancellation penalty applies
  • if other fees apply (e.g administrative fee)
Scenario: The ticket is unused and there is a cancellation penalty - Full Refund with CP 

Case A:  Cancellation penalty - Amount

1. Initiate a refund & display the refund record. Enter:

TRF125-5236554055 by ticket number
TRF/L6 from the PNR by ticket FA line (e.g. line 6)
6 FA PAX 100-5236554055/ET6X/EUR522.50/29NOV14/ATHGR2200/00413               

2. Update refund record with the cancellation penalty (amount). Enter:

TRFU/CP50A this sets a cancellation penalty of EUR50.00

System response:
REFUND RECORD                    AGT-00413000 AA/29NOV14 A TKT-Y               
NM  NAME        AUTOMATED/REFUND                                               
I   ISSUED      29NOV14                                                        
D1  DOCUMENT    100 5236554055 3 CPNS 1200                                     
F   FARE PAID              EUR      380.00                                     
U   FARE USED                         0.00                                     
    FARE REFUND                     380.00                                     
CP  CANX FEE                         50.00          13.16P                     
XT  TAX REFUND                      142.50 >TRFT                               
    REFUND TOTAL                    472.50                                     
FM  COMMISSION                        3.80      1.00P                          
FP1 CASH                            472.50                                     

3. Process refund.  Enter:


System Response :
OK ETKT RECORD UPDATED SAC- 125LA0G3MCBWE                                      

Case B:  Cancellation penalty - Percentage

1. Initiate a refund & display the refund record. Enter:

TRF125-5236554055 by ticket number
TRF/L6 from the PNR by ticket FA line (e.g. line 6)
6 FA PAX 100-5236554055/ET6X/EUR522.50/29NOV14/ATHGR2200/00413               

2. Update refund record with the cancellation penalty (percentage). Enter:

TRFU/CP25P this sets a cancellation penalty of 25%

System response:

REFUND RECORD                    AGT-00413000 AA/29NOV14 A TKT-Y               
NM  NAME        AUTOMATED/REFUND                                               
I   ISSUED      29NOV14                                                        
D1  DOCUMENT    100 5236554055 3 CPNS 1200                                     
F   FARE PAID              EUR      380.00                                     
U   FARE USED                         0.00                                     
    FARE REFUND                     380.00                                     
CP  CANX FEE                         50.00          13.16P                     
XT  TAX REFUND                      142.50 >TRFT                               
    REFUND TOTAL                    472.50                                     
FM  COMMISSION                        3.80      1.00P                          
FP1 CASH                            472.50                                     

3. Process refund. Enter:


System Response:
OK ETKT RECORD UPDATED SAC- 125LA0G3MCBWE                                      

Other updates in the refund record & related and entries.
TRFU/CM10ASet cancellation penalty commission as amount e.g.EUR10.00
TRFU/CM3P Set cancellation penalty commission as percentage e.g. 3%
TRFU/NF100 Set the net amount to be refunded e.g. EUR100.00
TRFU/FPA1250.67Set the amount to be refunded in a specific form of payment e.g 1 to a specific amount e.g. EUR250.67
TRFU/FP1CASHSet the form of payment (to be used only for Option 1 or Option 2 issued tickets)
TRFU/RMAUTH BY LOCAL AIRLINE OFFICESSet a specific free text remark (this information is for internal use as it is not transmitted to the airline)
TRFU/AA0148876Set a specific airline authorization code (this information is for internal use as it is not transmitted to the airline
Cancel RefundIgnore refund record (nothing will be saved in the record)

Actions triggered after a refund.
1. ET’ changes to ‘ER’ in ticket FA line:

6 FA PAX 100-5236554055/ET6X/EUR929.89/29NOV14/ATHGR2200/00413               
2. Relevant e-ticket coupon status(-es ) changes to Refund (R):

TKT-10055236554055        RCI-                     1A  LOC-3ID6EB               
 OD-ATHATH  SI-      FCMI-0   POI-ATH  DOI-29NOV14  IOI-00413000               
   1.AUTOMATED/REFUND          ADT            ST                               
 1 OATH 6X 631   B 18FEB0810 OK BV3H          R             1PC               
 2 OLHR 6X 640   D 28FEB0755 OK DV3H          R             2PC               
FARE   F EUR       767.00                                                      
TOTALTAX EUR       162.89                                                      
TOTAL    EUR       929.89                                                      
/FC ATH 6X LON488.366X ATH505.20NUC993.56END ROE0.771963                       
FE BA ONLY                                                                      
FP CASH                                                                        
FOR TAX/FEE DETAILS USE TWD/TAX                                                 
SAC- 125LA0G3MCBWE           

3. The refund is reported in the Query Report (TJQ) with transaction type RFND:
000196 100 5236554055   -929.89-162.89   0.00  -7.67 CA AUTOMATE AA 3ID6EB RFND
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